I midten av august samlet Forfood teamet og inviterte deltagere seg til en workshop om areal og matpolitikk ved University of Waterloo, Ontario i Canada.

Workshopen ble gjort mulig gjennom felles finansiering fra the University of Waterloo International Research Partnership Grant Program og Norges forskningsråd gjennom Forfood-prosjektet.

Forfood-teamet vil særlig takke Professor Bruce Muirhead som organiserte workshopen, samt de eksterne deltagerne Professor Hugh Campbell, Professor Jennifer Clapp, førsteamanuensis Steffanie Scott, førsteamanuensis Derek Hall, førsteamanuensis Bruce Frayne og alle doktorgradsstipendiater og masterstudenter for verdifulle bidrag i form av innlegg og diskusjon. Hvis du ønsker å lese mer om arbeidet til Global Food Politics Group ved University of Waterloo, kan du gjøre dette på deres hjemmeside her.

Programmet for workshopen var som følger:


10.15 – 10.45  Welcome and introduction – Hilde Bjørkhaug, Norwegian Centre for Rural Research andBruce Muirhead, Univ. of Waterloo

10.45 – 11.45  Dilemmas of the Norwegian pension fund: Ethics, politics, profits – Siri Carson, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

11.45 – 12.45  Multifunctional European agriculture – response to the increased focus onfood security and farmland conservation –  Katrina Rønningen, Norwegian Centre for Rural Research

12.45 – 1.45  LUNCH

1.45 – 2.45  Banking of land –  Philip McMichael, Cornell University

2.45 – 3.45  New Zealand’s Free Trade Deal with China: re-evaluating the rhetoric and reality of free-trade deals in agriculture –  Hugh Campbell, University of Otago

3.45 – 4.45  Where Is Japan in the Global Land Grab Debate? – Derek Hall, Wilfrid Laurier University

6.00  Dinner at Bruce Muirhead/Sandra Bair’s house


9.30 – 10.30  Saving the earth, the land or both? New alliances in controversieson land use in Norway. SiriØ. Sørensen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology and  Heidi Vinge, Norwegian Centre for Rural Research

10.30-11.30  Land investments in Saskatchewan: Good or bad? – Bruce Muirhead, Univ. of Waterloo and JosteinBrobakk, Norwegian Centre for Rural Research

11.30 – 12.30  Responsibility to the rescue? – Jennifer Clapp, University of Waterloo/CIGI

12.30 – 1.30  LUNCH

1.30 –2.00  Indirect land grabbing, private certification and Global GAP  – Jacob Muirhead, McMaster University

2.00 – 3.00  Intergenerational justice and paying it forward: Should land use beefficient or sustainable? – Allen Alvarez, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

May Thorseth, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

3.00 – 4.00  Discussion and summary –  Chair: Bruce Muirhead and Hilde Bjørkhaug

5.30  Dinner at Mennonite farm in Elmira region


08.30 – 09.30  FORFOOD project meeting for project participants

10.00 – 4.30  Field trip to the Niagara region.


Her er noen av deltagerne samlet for et gruppebilde:
